UmVirt Linux From Scratch

🐧ULFS Linux

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What is it?

Umvirt Linux from Scratch (ULFS) is the solution to build and run open-source based infrastructure in offline mode.

Other distributions are offering precompiled packages on disk images; ULFS is offering a source code package repository for building all of the above on your hardware from start to finish.

If you want, you can check every package and every build script.

Don't be afraid of compilation time. ULFS supports distributed compilation. It's possible to accelerate source package compilation by using other computers' CPUs.


This distribution tool's code (that code which is not part of any other source package) is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

Version 3, 29 June 2007

You can find all source packages license information in their respective source packages files, and on their websites.


Currently includes:

Source Package Manager Service


UmVirt Linux From Scratch allows performing automatic package compilation and installation via the packages service.

Assistance Service


The main purpose of the "UmVirt LFS Assistant" service is providing and running various comands and utilities inside the operating system. These commands are not stored in the application or script files but in a database on another machine.

Running scripts from the Internet is not the best idea. So, you can deploy this "UmVirt LFS Assistant" service on a local network machine to prevent any potential hacker attacks and service downtimes.

One such assistant service command allows you to compile and install the "Midnight Commander" package with all its dependencies, by just typing:

chimp install mc

Offline data directory


Some specifications, manuals and certificate data is not provided in the source packages and are located on different websites. This directory contains a small portion of this data.

LFS Auto Builder

Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a book containing instructions on how to create a bootable disk image which can be used as the base for custom distributions.

UmVirt LFS Auto Builder provides an automated bootable disk image creation process.



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