📦 | Package Server info | ||
🔙 | Parent Directory | - | |
A simple server environment:
The database stores all package information:
In order to maintain compatibility with different versions of packages, packages have been separated by ULFS release versions. Each ULFS Release has a set of packages with specific package versions. ULFS Version 0.1 contains packages of LFS v. 8.3.
If source packages are stored localy, they remain separated by ULFS release for the package assistant.
All package files within a release directory are further split into folders:
The website does the thinking for the application. It gathers it's data from the other aplication parts and produce HTML-pages, JSON-files, XML-files, and generates the install scripts for the packages.
The Client environment is any Linux From Scratch with these assumptions:
/sources .cleanup /var cache/ ulfs-packages/ %packagename% log/ ulfs-packages/ %packagename%/ start.time download.time [cleanup.time] unpack.time configure.time build.time install.time finish.time files.txt
This directory is used to store source package archives and directories.
.cleanup - if this empty file is found. the directory gets removed before unpacking source packages.
This directory is used as a database of installed packages.
%packagename% - Each empty file represents package with same name.
Installation scripts check for this files existance to decide if it need to install dependances. If a cache file is deleted, an installation script will reinstall it if it is depended on
This directory is used to record all information about the source package's journey during its installation proccess.
%packagename%/ - Each folder represents a package with same name.
Timestamp files are kept for identifing installed files and can be used for profiling:
files.txt - list of installed files
/mnt/umvirt/ files/ %release%/ packages/ patches/ packages/ %release%/ %packagename%.sh
/mnt/umvirt/ - the directory or symlink to directory which contain local installation data (for offline builds)
files/ - the directory which contains umvirt lfs files
files/%release%/packages/ - the directory which contains source package files for each release
files/%release%/patches/ - the directory which contains source package patches for each release
packages/ - the directory which contains installation scripts.
packages/%release%/%packagename%.sh - each script represents a package with same name for each specific release.
Packages and patches can be download from the UmVirt LFS website. Also, you can download the packages from the BLFS mirrors and the developers' sites.
Installation scripts are generated by the UmVirt LFS Packages service. You can download the scripts from the UmVirt LFS site or generate your own.